
Go back to school! Shared space has long been the norm in higher ed. Leverage insights from academia as you transition to a hybrid work model and shared work spaces.

There’s no crystal ball.
Lean on process and information flow.

We help you reduce costs and minimize risks by establishing
clear objectives, a learning orientation, and a flexible approach.

Wood table/desk next to a window and a painted cinder block wall that could be a dorm room or other academic building. A laptop computer sits on the work surface, next to a disposable coffee cup, iPhone, and pad that is open with a pen on it.

Services that run the gamut as you run the gauntlet.

  • Manage shared space. Design the system, policies, and processes you need.

  • Mitigate the risk to accessibility posed by the transition to hybrid work spaces.

  • Prepare your managers and employees for remote, hybrid, and asynchronous work and collaboration.

  • Understand your context: Work process review, hybrid work readiness assessment, space analysis, and organizational culture scan.

  • Strategize and build capacity for change.

  • Establish and gather key performance indicators to drive continual improvement.

What does higher education have to teach about the future of work? Quite a bit. Many workers of the future will interact with the workplace in a way that resembles students on a campus. Shared space, diverse needs, variable workstyles — it’s time for workplace management to go back to school.